What would happen if the military draft were reinstated? Well, probably not much as far as politicians are concerned; their kids would most likely be given cushy, domestic assignments in the National Guard. But could average citizens be facing a draft? Don't think it can't happen.
Many Americans believe that a military draft is likely in the very near future. Newsmax.com reports that "the Pentagon has stepped up preparations for a new Selective Service System that could allow for a full-blown draft by next year."
The government is dismissing such rumors with a carefully worded denial posted on the Selective Service website:
Notwithstanding recent stories in the news media and on the Internet, Selective Service is not getting ready to conduct a draft for the U.S. Armed Forces - either with a special skills or regular draft. Rather, the Agency remains prepared to manage a draft if and when the President and the Congress so direct. This responsibility has been ongoing since 1980 and is nothing new. Further, both the President and the Secretary of Defense have stated on more than one occasion that there is no need for a draft for the War on Terrorism or any likely contingency, such as Iraq. Additionally, the Congress has not acted on any proposed legislation to reinstate a draft. Therefore, Selective Service continues to refine its plans to be prepared as is required by law, and to register young men who are ages 18 through 25.
But wait...
A bill was introduced in both the House and the Senate just last year to have the draft reinstated. The Universal National Service Act of 2003 reads as follows:To provide for the common defense by requiring that all young persons in the United States, including women, perform a period of military service or a period of civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, and for other purposes.
Oh, I see. It isn't enough to ship our young men off to die; we have to respect "equal rights" and start conscripting women.
Let's face it. If things continue the way they're going, a draft is inevitable. With a military presence in 135 countries across the globe, our resources are stretched to the breaking point - and everyone knows that an empire cannot survive without good men and women willing (or forced) to defend it.
6/25/2004 |
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